Monday 27 April 2009


This is ridiculous. I was on last night and there was a post about new Skream track with people writing shit like 'this isn't dubstep' and 'if anyone else but Skream made this no one would like it', and if I'm honest I think it's pretty obvious where these seemingly hyperbolic statements come from. As aforementioned, this track is ridiculous. It's got the whole early 90s hardcore thing going on, but goes far further than that. There are 4/4 drums throughout and some heavy synths pulsing with about 32 bars of respite from a drum break (well, clap break) before the whole thing gets some half time treatment. Annie Mac talks all over this, introducing it as from the guy who did that La Roux remix. I would love to imagine the ones who've only heard that remix listening to this and wondering what the fuck is happening...

Although many will hate this, it can't be denied that this stands as a testament of how diverse a producer Skream is and how far the fella's come since Midnight Request Line and the like.

Also there are rave horns all over this joint. SO MANY RAVE HORNS.

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